How to use SMS to fundraise

Over time we’ve seen clients using our tools in a variety of innovative ways that we hadn’t actually predicted ourselves. And we think that’s exactly what should happen, our roadmap is built not just by us, but in tandem with our users. They try the tool out in a new way, and we build to make it better. The Movement product is one born out of dialogue. 

One particular innovation we’ve seen is the use of SMS for fundraising. And not just that - very successful fundraising. One client managed to raise over £1 million in a single SMS burst, and several more millions in the weeks that followed. This was down to a couple of factors that we thought we’d share here to help you with your SMS fundraising game. 

Timing is everything

Arguably more important than the content of the SMS itself is when you send it. One client sent out a batch of SMS during a national television event and raised a significant sum. This was because it resonated with their followers at a key time during a shared experience. This sense of unity at a time when people’s emotions are heightened was a critical time to reach people. If they’d sent this communication at another time it wouldn’t have been as effective. 

It’s not just about national TV events, your fundraising comms need to fit with people’s lives, are they on their way to work or having a lunch break, are they thinking about booking a holiday? Even external factors like news events and trends are worth considering both in the delivery of the comms and in the content you include. 

So don’t waste other people’s 

This is a short-form communication. Like the old-school tweets of 120 characters, you need to make your point count. SMS is effective because it reaches people where they are, but they’ll usually be on the go when they read it or glance at it for a second. So keep your language simple and be upfront about why and what you need. 

Your cause is usually urgent so make sure your tone is too

Urgency drives action. If time is of the essence or  something bad needs to be stopped chances are your audience will feel an emotional response. It’s how you convey the message that really lands the punch. Some tips are: 

  • Express how quickly your audience need to act

  • Express how close you are to your fundraising target 

  • Explain what will happen if you don’t hit target

  • Tell people how far a donation of a certain size goes

Manage your channels wisely

SMS is a good way of getting to people on the go and straight to their notifications, but what's important is using a blend of communications so they find you in each place they look. 

One client found that email was best for longer-form storytelling. Spotlighting individuals or communities involved in your cause helps your audience get to know you, while SMS could drive immediate action. 

This also means being considerate in the amount of communications you send. Don’t bombard people wherever they look, but fit into their daily routine and prompt them on the right channel at the right time.

If you’d like to talk to us about our email, phone banking, WhatsApp or SMS tools that help you land the message you want with the people you need, book a call with us and we’ll be in touch:


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