How to mobilise with SMS

Effective communication is crucial for NGOs, trade unions, and progressive political parties to mobilise their followings for change. It might not be the first channel that springs to mind, but one of the most direct and personal ways to reach your members is through SMS text messages. There’s no filter sending your message to the wrong inbox, and chances are you’re competing with less traffic for your followers’ attention. 

That said, to maximise engagement and ensure your messages are well-received, it's essential you follow some best practices. Here we’ve created 7 ways you can keep your SMS messages 

Movement lets you go further than just sending bulk SMS. Whether you need to get in touch with your list, collect data via an automated survey, or initiate peer-to-peer conversations, you’re covered. You can check it out here.

1. Personalise Your Messages

Personalisation is key to making your members feel valued and recognised. Use the recipient’s name and reference past interactions or involvement. Tailor your content to their specific interests and engagement history. For instance, if a member has participated in previous campaigns, acknowledge this and encourage further involvement. An environmental NGO might send a message like, “Hi Jane, thank you for attending our beach clean-up last month. We’d love your support for our upcoming tree-planting event.”

2. Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA)

Every message should have a clear purpose. Make it easy for your members to understand what you want them to do next. Use action-oriented language like “Join Now,” “Support This Initiative,” or “Attend Our Event.” A well-defined CTA increases the likelihood of members taking the desired action. A political party could send, “Hi Alex, your voice matters! Click here to sign our petition against the new tax bill. Every signature counts.”

3. Keep Messages Concise

SMS messages have a character limit, so it's essential to be concise. Get to the point quickly and avoid lengthy sentences. Focus on one main idea or message to prevent confusion. Clear and succinct messages are more likely to be read and acted upon. A trade union could send, “Reminder: Union meeting tomorrow at 6 PM. Your attendance is crucial. See you there!”

4. Send Messages at the Right Time

Timing is crucial in SMS communication. Avoid sending messages early in the morning or late at night when they might be intrusive. Consider your members’ time zones and schedule messages when they are most likely to be read and acted upon, such as mid-morning or early evening. An NGO could send updates mid-morning, such as, “Hi Sam, don’t miss our webinar on wildlife conservation today at 11 AM. Join us!”

5. Provide Value

Ensure every message you send provides clear value to your members. This could be in the form of exclusive updates, opportunities to get involved, useful information, or notifications about upcoming events. When members see the benefit in your messages, they are more likely to engage. A political party could share useful information or opportunities, like, “Exclusive invite: Join our live Q&A with the candidate tonight at 7 PM. Ask your questions directly!”

6. Stay Compliant

Compliance with communication regulations is essential. Always obtain explicit consent before sending messages and provide an easy opt-out option for those who wish to unsubscribe. Adhere to local and international SMS communication regulations to maintain trust and avoid legal issues. A trade union could send, “Hi Chris, to continue receiving important updates, please confirm your subscription. Reply STOP to unsubscribe.”

7. Test and Optimise

Continuous improvement is vital for effective communication. A/B test different message formats and content to see what resonates best with your audience. Analyse open rates, click-through rates, and response rates to gain insights. Use this data to refine your strategy and enhance the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns.

Build an SMS strategy with Movement

By following these best practices, NGOs, trade unions, and political parties can improve their communication with members, fostering greater engagement and support. Personalised, concise, and valuable messages sent at the right time can make a significant difference in your organisation's outreach efforts.

Maximise your impact with Movement’s SMS tool. Offering seamless management while enabling rapid, powerful survey insights. Leverage personal connections with peer-to-peer SMS, enhancing genuine engagement.

Merge as much data as you need from external sources, or other campaigns within Movement, to personalise your messages. Grant access to subsets of your organisation to also send messages, or to participate in peer-to-peer campaigns.


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Emails that win: A step-by-step guide to crafting engaging emails